Eggscape #4: Highlight and Prizes
In its fourth year, we doubled (octupled?) down on EGGscape New Haven: we hid 1,000 Easter eggs in over a dozen locations around New Haven.
Thanks x 1,000
First, some thanks are in order: to Jenn and Tara, for spending hours stuffing eggs with (and without!) me; and also to the hiding crew as well:
- Sadna and her daughter Vaani, our youngest volunteer;
- Ratan, Cary, and Emma, who woke up super early to help out a friend (that’s me!);
- Joyce, who came all the way from Boston to hide eggs (and eat some New Haven pizza);
- and of course Jenn, again, who has been EGGscaping with us since we started doing this in 2015.
Maybe We’re a Little Evil
All of the eggs we hid were observable from some angle… but it wasn’t necessarily an easy one. We also made good use of camouflage.
Scrabble Masters
The Scrabble tiles we hid in each egg produced some pretty memorable results this year. Here are just a few that tickled me:
Oh, right — and we drew a dozen raffle prizes, too!
For anyone who sent us an e-mail with your ticket numbers: we’ve already contacted you if you won. But there were four numbers that we didn’t find in your e-mails — which means someone’s sitting on tickets they haven’t submitted, or there are still a few well-hidden eggs left to find.
If you hear your ticket number in the video but you didn’t get an e-mail from us, all you have to do is come by with the matching ticket to claim your prize! I recommend Saturdays between 12 noon and 10pm or Sundays between 12 noon and 6pm. I also suggest calling ahead (860-576-9997) to make sure someone’s there to let you in (occasionally if there are no games scheduled, the exterior doors will be locked and/or staff will go on break. This is pretty rare during the times I listed but it does happen.).
So without further ado (because if you’re reading this blog post, you probably skipped to this section anyway), I bring you our official prize drawing video:
One Last Thing
If you did go Eggscaping, we assume you did the responsible thing and took your eggs with you. If you happen to be in the area and would like to drop off your eggs (even in a bag or box just outside our door), we’d totally appreciate it.
Also, consider volunteering in 2019! We host increasingly extravagant Eggscapes for the fun and tradition of the thing — basically because Easter egg hunting is one of my favorite things and I wish someone still hid them for me — so every little bit of help makes it easier for us to run next year’s event.
Thanks for playing, and we’ll see you next year at EGGscape #5.
–Ethan and the rest of the E(gg)scape New Haven team