2024 Location: Edgerton Park!
The Egghunt officially starts at 8PM!
Please check-in with our Escape New Haven Staff at our table at the Edgehill Rd entrance prior to hunting.
Bring a basket or bag - There's ~300 eggs out there!
Spend your Easter weekend with friends and family in one of New Haven's most beloved public parks hunting for Easter eggs! We will be hiding 300 Easter eggs in ONE undisclosed (for now) New Haven Park. Each egg contains a raffle ticket, a special token, and (of course) a piece of candy. Collect the right tokens and WIN GREAT PRIZES!
Date: Saturday March 30th
Start Time: 8:00 AM
End Time: 9:30AM
Cost: FREE
Prizes, You Say?
Make a Word
The first two teams who can make the word "E S C A P E" with the letter tiles they find inside the eggs will each get a free game at Escape New Haven. We also have one extra free game available to give out, completely at our discretion, for the most creative/fun/funny word or phrase. Post 'em on Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag "#eggscapenewhaven" to enter -- and make sure the posts are public and you tag us so that we can find them!
Keep Your Tickets
Each egg we've hidden (assuming you're the first to find it) will contain a raffle ticket with a series of numbers printed on it. Use the "Connect with us!" form on this page to input those numbers, separated by commas, and we'll notify you if you win anything when we do our drawing later in the week. We'll be giving out some free tickets to our games, a tavern puzzle with a difficulty rating of your choosing, and some Escape New Haven swag as well -- buttons, zipper pulls, t-shirts, and our skeleton key bottle openers.
Connect with us!
Last but not least: Once the game is on, you can use this form to subscribe to our mailing list and submit your raffle numbers at the same time! We'll draw prizes within two weeks.